Cleaning service is provided five nights a week, Monday through Friday. Carpets will be vacuumed, unobstructed surfaces dusted and trash will be emptied. Service to your suite will commence on the first regular service day after your move-in unless you have requested otherwise.
- Salesforce Tower participates in single stream recycling. Wastebaskets with clear can liners will accept all recyclable materials, no need to sort. Break rooms and kitchens will use black can liners and these will accept food and wet waste that cannot be recycled. Please contact Property Management for further details about the single stream recycling program.
- Trash that does not fit into a deskside wastebasket or other trash container within your office should be marked with a large note “TRASH.” Trash stickers are available upon request from Property Management.
- Please DO NOT leave items that are not trash on top or near wastebaskets that might be misconstrued as garbage.
- Please note that the janitorial crew will NOT dust any computer equipment, including terminals, hard drives or keyboards; nor will they vacuum or dust near computer cables or wires. This is for your protection to avoid disrupting any sensitive computer equipment.
- Janitorial will not dispose of any electronic materials. E-Recycling drives are held semi-annually.
- If you have special cleaning needs, such as carpet shampooing, contact Property Management at (404) 237-7666 or input a maintenance request in Prism. Special cleaning services can be arranged at tenant's expense.
- If a small cleaning problem should arise during working hours, please contact Property Management or input a maintenance request in Prism.
Should you have any questions or comments regarding the cleaning services, please notify Property Management.